Concepts (10-15 mins)
1. Action routing

Action Router

ActionRouter is the main component behind all this magic ✨. This creates an entry point for the associated action request. In simple words, the server actions which are defined on a particular instance of ActionRouter will start their execution journey from that router instance.

📝 NOTE: For example project structure reference, click here

Quick initalization

// lib/action.router.ts
import { ActionRouter } from "next-action-router/server";
// let's call this as root router
export const rootRouter = new ActionRouter();

This is enough to get you started with the action routing but there's a slightly better way to initalize the router instance if you want to have type inference for error codes in your react client components. Don't worry if didn't get the point, you'll get it just keep reading.

Better Initalization (optional)

// lib/action.router.ts
import { ActionRouter } from "next-action-router/server";
// let's call this as root router
export const rootRouter = new ActionRouter({
  error: {
    // predefined error codes at router instance level
    codes: {
      unauthorized: "You are unauthorized",
      "not-found": "Requested resource not found",
        "Rate limit exceeded. please try again after some time",

While initalizing router instance, you can define all the error codes which can be used to return descriptive error messages to the client and cool thing about this is error codes are inferred everywhere even on the react components. This is really helpfull to write more robust components and enhance user experience. This is really cool, I just love ❤️ it!