
Internal Type reference


type ActionLogType = "info" | "error" | "warn" | "debug";
type ActionLoggerLevels = Array<{ level: ActionLogType }>;
type BaseErrorMap = { "internal-server-error": string };
type ActionRouterConfig<TErrorCode extends string> = {
   * Name of a router instance
  name?: string | DefaultRouterName;
  logging?: ActionLoggerLevels;
  error?: {
    codes: Record<TErrorCode, string> & Partial<BaseErrorMap>;


Represents an action request object with a context. It contains the information regarding an action request. Each action request will have it's own action request object.

type ActionRequest<TContext> = {
  context: TContext;
  headers: ReturnType<typeof headers>;
  cookies: ReturnType<typeof cookies>;


Each action requests will have it's own action response object. Registered action handlers can invoke these provided methods from this object to send data (helper method), error (helper method) or even throwing redirects or not found errors to the client;

type ActionSuccessResponse<TData> = {
  success: true;
  data: TData;
type ActionErrorResponse<TCode> = {
  success: false;
  error: {
    code: TCode;
    message: string;
type ActionResponse<TErrorCode extends string> = {
   * @returns formatted(JSON) data response
  data: <TData>(data: TData) => ActionSuccessResponse<TData>;
   * @returns formatted(JSON) error response
  error: <TCode extends TErrorCode>(
    code: TCode,
    message?: string
  ) => ActionErrorResponse<TCode>;
   * @returns Helper to create error with new code just in time.
  createError: <T extends string>(
    code: T,
    message: string
  ) => ActionErrorResponse<T>;
   * @see {redirect}
  redirect: typeof redirect;
   * @see {notFound}
  notFound: typeof notFound;


type ActionMiddleware<TContext, TErrorCode, TReturn> = (
  request: ActionRequest<TContext>
) => Promise<TReturn>;
type ActionMiddlewareOptions = {
  name: string;


type ActionHandler<TContext, TErrorCode extends string, TReturn> = (
  request: ActionRequest<TContext>,
  response: ActionResponse<TErrorCode>
) => Promise<TReturn>;
type ActionHandlerOptions = {
  name: string;
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